GILLIES, Barry Ian (Barney)

Born on June 4, 1959. Passed away May 9, 2018.

Dearly loved son of Geoff Gillies , and Barbara and Ron Pinkerton.

Much loved brother to Ray and Glenys, Kim  and Ian, Brad and Sue and their families.

Loving husband and best friend to Liz.

Much loved and adored father to Amy and Meagan.

Loved and respected step father to Leonie and Peter.

Beloved Pa Barney to Adelaide and Montana.

My heart is breaking, but I am comforted in the knowledge that you are no longer in pain and are at peace, riding that Harley with the wind at your back and the sun in your face.

Many thanks to the nurses at Armitage House who took such great care of you.



Funeral Notice
Amenities Complex, Korumburra Showgrounds South Gippsland Highway, KorumburraView Map
A Funeral Service to Celebrate the Life of Mr. Barry Ian (Barney) Gillies will be held at the Amenities Complex, Korumburra Showgrounds South Gippsland Highway Korumburra, on FRIDAY (May 18, 2018) commencing at 2.00pm. Private Cremation. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to Cancer Council Victoria.  Envelopes will be available at the Service.
  1. Sunday morning early comes
    This chilly autumn’s day;
    Chrome and coffee polished off
    As bike and rider wake,

    And rumble off to clubhouse for
    A changing of the brew;
    Black vests in formation–fast
    and tight–a loud tribute.

    Iron horses, hundreds strong,
    Come thund’ring through the gate;
    Sleeping souls on notice, fallen
    Biker nears his fate.

    A mile of gleaming metal lines
    The circle and the park;
    Out of saddles, boots hit brick
    And make for chapel’s heart.

    Members of the Club stand post,
    Proud brothers in the wind;
    Shaded eyes the tears disguise,
    And loss they feel within.

    Friends and family pay respects
    To biker and his mate;
    Praises made and prayers raised,
    Blues legends resonate.

    Final words and kisses, then
    The pipes’ Amazing Grace;
    Souls of bike and rider seek
    Eternal resting place.

    Sunday morning early comes
    This chilly autumn’s day;
    One more rider, Heaven bound,
    Roars through the Pearly Gates.

    Brad, Susan, Darcy and Gus Gillies May 15, 2018