BOAG, Robyn Margaret

Born on July 23, 1967. Passed away April 17, 2022.

Passed away peacefully aged 54
Dearly loved wife of Ian.
Devoted loving mother to Brooke and Joe, and the most nurturing grandmother of Koa and Jax.

A beautiful selfless woman taken too soon who is now an Angel of God.
With us in our hearts always and forever.


Passed away peacefully at Frankston Private Hospital on the 17th of April, 2022. Aged 54 years
Dearly loved youngest daughter of Jack and Helen (both dec.).
Loved sister of Elaine and sister in law of Peter and Aunty of Carl, Paul, Claire, Sarah, David , Brian and Amy and their families;
Loved sister of Nonie (dec.) and sister in law of Ted (dec.) Aunty of Fiona, Donna, Dale and Anne and their families;
Loved sister of Cathy and sister in law of Dom and Aunty of Kerry and Mark and their families;
Loved sister of Carol and Aunty of Kurt and Matt and their families;
Loved sister of Greg (dec.) and loved Aunty of Benjamin (dec.).

Treasured thoughts of one so dear often brings a silent tear.
We will miss you Robyn you fought so hard. A life taken too soon.
Rest In Peace

Funeral Notice

A Requiem Mass for the Repose of the Soul for Robyn Margaret Boag will be held at St. Laurence's Catholic Church, Ogilvy St, Leongatha on MONDAY May 2, 2022 commencing 1.30pm.

At the conclusion of Mass the Funeral will leave for the Leongatha Cemetery.

This Service will be livestreamed, to view please CLICK HERE.  
  1. Robyn you were one of the best. Always a laugh and up for a chat.
    Deepest sympathy to Ian, Brooke and Joe

    Andrea Berryman April 20, 2022
  2. The “baby” of one of the premier farming families in the district. Godspeed dear Robyn. Hope you meet up with your loved ones in particular Helen, Jack + Greg. Also, may I mention my Mum Jetske who I know you held close + who recently departed. Condolences to the Boag family

    Wil Bardoel April 20, 2022
  3. “We’ll be friends forever, won’t we, Pooh?” asked Piglet. “Even longer,” Pooh answered.

    To my lifelong friend I will forever treasure our memories & friendship.

    Until we meet again, xx Love Heather

    Heather Atwell April 20, 2022
  4. So sad to hear about the passing of Rob, fly high beautiful lady. My sincere condolences to her family. RIP honey, much love from your old friend Shell. xo

    michelle wentworth April 21, 2022
  5. Absolutely heartbreaking to hear God has taken you too soon my beautiful lifelong friend (and cousin)….will always treasure the memories especially of kindergarten and having our first babies so close together….you are and always will one of the most caring, loving souls I’ve ever met….love you Robbie ♥️
    Deepest sympathies and love to Brooke, Ian, Joe, Koa and Jax.

    Fiona O’Bryan and all the O’Bryan family

    Fiona O’Bryan April 21, 2022
  6. To a Sister from another Mother!
    You touched so many lives and inspired so many
    Rest now my friend, people we love don’t go away they walk beside us everyday
    Thoughts and Love to the Family
    Luv Andy xx

    Andrea Hawkins April 21, 2022
  7. Rest in peace Robbie, thinking of you always puts a smile on my dial.
    Deepest condolences to Ian, Brooke & Joe

    Kim Chalmers April 21, 2022
  8. Condolences to Ian Joe and Brooke on the passing of your beautiful wife and mum Robyn who was always smiling laughing and loved a chat love to you all xxx
    Love Lynne Matt Max and Sophie

    Lynne wakeham April 21, 2022
  9. Robyn, you were an absolutely beautiful person inside & out.
    I loved our laughs over the years.
    Rest In Peace gorgeous lady.
    Love to your family xx

    Hayley Lovell April 21, 2022
  10. Sisters are connected together
    They are not afraid to break rules,
    They defend each other,
    They laugh and cry together,
    No one can ever take the place of my sister,
    Thank you for being mine,
    I will carry you in my heart forever
    Rest In Peace my beautiful sister

    Cathy Boag April 21, 2022
  11. Our last conversation on the phone was after an operation you’d just had on your back.. We spoke for ages about everything going on and you made me believe you’d get stronger and that you’d get through this..
    It was typical you Rob.. making sure that everyone else was ok.. such a beautiful person taken way way too soon.. I’ll miss our chats and our laughs.. till we meet again.. goodbye gorgeous friend.. R.I.P

    Gerry Diconza April 21, 2022
  12. To our beautiful sister in law and Aunt Robyn,
    We are so deeply saddened at you passing.
    A loving mum, wife and adored Grammy,. You will be missed by so many. May you Rest In Peace and fly with the angels 💜.
    All our love to our brother & uncle Ian, cousins Joe & Brooke.
    Love Lily, Garry, Georgia, Lachie, Jai & Josh xxxx

    Lily April 21, 2022
  13. Robyn. Forever grateful that our paths crossed. I loved our random chats that would go for hours. Every memory of you leaves a smile on my face. You were such a beautiful soul. Rest In Peace beautiful lady.
    My condolences to your family and friends xo

    Tracee Hodgson April 21, 2022
  14. My Aunty Rob
    Words cannot describe how much you will be missed.
    Aunty and big sister to Kerry and I and mums naughty little sister, so many awesome memories made together. I will always miss our catch ups, so far away from each other yet so close in so many ways. You are such an amazing person and I can only strive to live by what you have taught me over all these years with as much courage and passion for life as you. Always there to help friends and family no matter what. Such an important role model for all of us kids growing up. How cool is Aunty Rob, absolute legend in so many ways.
    Will miss you always and you will forever be with us in spirit
    Goodbye for now Robyn love you always
    Mark, Alex, Angus, Lilly & Oscar

    Mark Nelson April 30, 2022
  15. So sorry for your loss. Aileen Hughes.

    Aileen Hughes April 30, 2022
  16. I first met Robyn when she popped up at my Year 11 Maths class almost 40 years ago at Leongatha Technical School. Something clicked and for the first time in her life, she actually enjoyed Maths. From that time on, we became really good friends.

    From time to time, we would get together and catch up on old times as well as filling in the spaces since we last met.

    I will miss those get togethers as well as Robyn’s bubbling personality and lovely smile.

    Allen & Marlene Archbold

    Allen Archbold May 1, 2022
  17. My dear SISL,
    You were the funniest, kindest, most beautiful loving sister-in-law and daughter-in-law.
    Robyn, you will be forever missed, so grateful for the sweet wonderful memories we created.
    You lived for your family and the ones you loved.
    Truly selfless and pure of heart.
    Deepest condolences to my loving brother Ian and nephew Joe,
    Brooke , Koa and Jax

    Your beautiful spirit now soaring high with the angels
    You will be with us everywhere we go.

    Until we meet again, rest in God’s loving care.

    Anne, Ashley, Milka & Murray

    Anne Dorset-Turner May 1, 2022
  18. I saw you just a few weeks ago and it was so nice. You were smiling and laughing and telling me of your holiday plans for June/July. I went home that day believing that i would see you again, that I wasn’t saying goodbye for the last time, or that the cuppa we shared was not our last one. I went home with new moments of happiness with you. I know you did that for me because you didn’t want me to be sad or worried. I will hold these memories dear along with all the many I have with you. Thank you for being my cool, young Aunty Rob.
    I’m so blessed to have shared one last hug, i love you x

    From all the McNally’s – Eddie, Sarah, Tom, Alannah. Taylah and Sam, we will miss all the banter we shared.
    You were one of a kind Aunty Rob

    Sarah McNally May 2, 2022
  19. Robyn you were such a beautiful person, always laughing, especially our Mother In Law jokes. Will be always fondly remembered and sadly missed. Our deepest condolences to Ian, Brooke & Joe and the Boag Family.

    John, Lee-Anne & Isabella Hetherington May 2, 2022
  20. Dearest Ian, Joe, Brooke and family. we are so blessed to have known Robyn. She was a tower of strength in so many ways, yet so much more as well. We will keep you all in our prayers. We love you all. – from John, Sharon, Samuel, Isabella, Agnes, Catherine-Anne, Esther, Lucy, Agatha, Veronica, Jeremiah, Joseph & Johannes Duiker.

    John and Sharon Duiker May 2, 2022
  21. Love to you Robbie and family.
    Rest easy free from pain
    Love Ros Cleversley

    Rosslyn Cleversley May 2, 2022
  22. To my beautiful cousin Robyn gone too early may you Rest In Peace
    Love always and never forgotten.
    Matt Larsen and the Larsen Family

    Matt Larsen May 2, 2022
  23. To Ian, Joe, Brooke & the Martinelli -Boag families, we are so deeply sorry to hear of Robyn’s passing. May she rest peacefully while you all forever hold her precious memories your hearts
    with love from Lidija, Anja, Dejan & family xxx

    Anja Wheeler May 6, 2022